IHL Drop In Skate Schedule

by Jerry Fronek

IHL Pre-Evaluation Drop in Schedule

Wednesday, March 4th, 2020 9:15pm-10:45pm

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020 9:15pm-10:45pm

21 years and older for these drop in skates. (league play is 25+)

This is a higher level of play, A-B league level. (if you're not at that level as a player you can participate in the FHL skates which are geared for older and/or less experienced players)

$10 at the door.

Goalies must contact Jerry Fronek to play.

If you are new to the IHL, Proof of current USA hockey insurance required.

Evaluation schedule for the IHL to follow.  These skates will be in April with league play beginning May 1st.